Letting Enquiries

The Lumen has a range of office space options as well as ground floor leisure space. Our agents are welcoming enquiries now; simply contact the relevant people below for further information.

Letting space at The Lumen

The Lumen is Newcastle's newest Grade A office building offering accommodation finished to a very high standard with contemporary feel and panoramic views across the city.

The Lumen is within easy walking distance of Central Train Station, local Metro routes and all city centre amenities.  The landmark building provides 103,500 sf of office space over nine floors and 5,750 sf of ground floor leisure space surrounded by new high-quality public realm.

The Lumen forms part of Newcastle Helix, Newcastle's flagship future city quarter and home to The Biosphere, The Core, The National Centre for Data and Ageing, and The Newcastle University Urban Sciences Building.


  • 24-hour access
  • Energy Performance Rating – A
  • BREEAM Excellent
  • Central core providing flexible floor plates from 2,889 sq ft to 15,134 sq ft
  • Large communal reception area of 2,400 sq ft
  • Excellent natural light
  • Exposed services
  • Raised floors with 150mm void
  • LED lighting providing 350 lux
  • 4 pipe fan coil air conditioning
  • Shower and changing provision at 1 per 68 persons
  • Secure cycle storage for 100 bicycles
  • On-site Multi Storey car park with parking on a ratio of 1:1,000 sq ft
  • Wired Certified - GOLD


The premises are available to let on terms to be agreed with suites available from 2,889 sq ft upwards.

Office Enquiries

Avison Young and Cushman & Wakefield act jointly as agents for office space at The Lumen. You can contact either of the agents to make enquiries about letting office space or ground floor leisure space.

Tony Wordsworth
D +44 (0) 191 269 0508
M +44 (0) 7785 916 936

Greg Davison
D +44 (0) 191 223 5710
M +44 (0) 7917 651 846

Leisure Enquiries

The Lumen has ground floor space available for letting suitable for leisure opportunities. 
For details, contact either of the specialist retail / leisure agents below.

Download  Brochure

Pete Townsend
D +44 (0) 191 280 4239
M +44 (0) 7713 151970

Ian Thurlbeck
D +44 (0) 191 280 4236
M +44 (0) 7515 831417

The Team 

Sarah Thompson
Building Manager

07756 877 866

Tony Bradley
Repairs and Maintenance Coordinator
07756 875 876

Contact Us

The Lumen
St, James Boulevard
Newcastle Helix
Newcastle upon Tyne

e.reception@lumennewcastle.co.uk t.0191 495 7400
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